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Helmut Finner

Talks/Contributions on Conferences etc.

Finner, H. & M. Roters (2022).

On positive association of absolute-valued and squared multivariate Gaussians beyond MTP2.
The 12th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP2022).
University of Bremen, Germany, August 30 - September 2, 2022.

Finner, H. & M. Roters (2022).

On positive association of absolute-valued and squared multivariate Gaussians beyond MTP2.

Workshop on Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures.
Heidelberg, Germany, June 29 – July 1, 2022.

Finner, H. (2019).

From closed multiple testing via ranking and selecting to partitioning principles.
Invited Talk (Keynote Lecture), The 11th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP2019).
National Taiwan University
, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2019.


Finner, H. & M. Roters (2018).
Probability inequalities for one- and two-sided multivariate union-intersection tests.
Workshop on Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures.
University of Bremen, Germany, October 2018.


Finner, H. & M. Roters (2018).
Probability inequalities for one- and two-sided multivariate union-intersection tests.
64. Biometrisches Kolloquium Biometrie: gelebte Vielfalt.
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany, March 2018.

Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V., Strassburger, K. (2017).

From higher criticism and local levels of GOF tests to confidence bounds for the proportion of true nulls.

10th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2017), 
University of California, Riverside, USA, June 2017


Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V., Strassburger, K. (2017).

From higher criticism and local levels of GOF tests to confidence bounds for the proportion of true nulls.

13th Workshop on Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications (SMSA 2017), 
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, February 2017

Finner, H.
& Gontscharuk, V. (2016).

From higher criticism and local levels of GOF tests to confidence bounds for the proportion of true nulls.

The 10th ICSA International Conference: Global Growth of Modern Statistics in the 21st Century, Shanghai, China, December 2016.

Finner, H.
& Gontscharuk, V. (2016).
Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov type tests and local levels.
Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures Workshop, University of Padua, Padua, Italy, April 2016.

Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2016).
Weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests in one- and two-sample problems.
Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures Workshop,
University of Padua,
Padua, Italy, April 2016.

Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V. (2016).
Two sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov type tests and local levels.
DAGStat 2016 (Statistics under one umbrella), 3rd Joint Statistical Meeting,
Germany, March 2016.

Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2016).
Weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests in one- and two-sample problems.
DAGStat 2016 (Statistics under one umbrella), 3rd Joint Statistical Meeting,
Germany, March 2016.

Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2016).
Weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests in one- and two-sample problems.
12th German Probability and Statistics Days 2016 – Bochumer Stochastik-Tage,
Bochum, Germany, March 2016.


Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2015).
On the Simes test under dependence.
8th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2015),  London, United Kingdom, December 2015.

Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2015).
Goodness-of-fit tests based on minimum p-value statistics: asymptotic results and finite behavior.
9th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2015),
Hyderabad, India, September 2015.

Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2015).
On the Simes test under dependence.
9th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2015),  Hyderabad, India, September 2015.

Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2015).
Union-intersection based goodness-of-fit tests in terms of local levels.
Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures Workshop, Köln, Germany, June 2015.

Strassburger, K. & Finner, H. (2015).

On the Simes test under dependence.
Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures Workshop, Köln, Germany, June 2015.


Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2014).

On the Simes test under dependence.

60. Biometrisches Kolloquium, Bremen, Germany, March 2014.

Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2014).

On control of the FWER of some adaptive procedures under dependency.

60. Biometrisches Kolloquium, Bremen, Germany, March 2014.



Landwehr, S., Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2014).

Tailoring goodness-of-fit tests with local levels.

60. Biometrisches Kolloquium, Bremen, Germany, March 2014.


Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V. (2013).
Asymptotic FDR control under weak dependence and the null problem: A counterexample.
8th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2013), Southampton, United Kingdom, July 2013.

Gontscharuk, V.
, Landwehr, S. & Finner, H. (2013).
Higher criticism test statistics: Why is the asymptotics so poor?
8th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2013), Southampton, United Kingdom, July 2013.

Gontscharuk, V.,
Landwehr, S. & Finner, H. (2013).
Some new results on goodness of fit tests in terms of local levels.
8th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2013), Southampton, United Kingdom, July 2013.

Gontscharuk, V., Landwehr, S. & Finner, H. (2013).
Goodness-of-fit tests in terms of local levels and related processes.
DAGStat 2013 (Statistics under one umbrella), 3rd Joint Statistical Meeting, Freiburg,
Germany, March 2013.

Finner, H. & Scheer, M. (2012).
Controlling the expected number of false rejections in multiple testing.
8th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Istanbul, July 2012.

Strassburger, K.
& Finner, H. (2012).
Randomized p-values and randomized empirical distribution functions in multiple testing.
Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures Workshop, Heidelberg, July 2012.

Finner, H.
On FDR control, expected number of false rejections and issues under dependence.
Workshop: Very High Dimensional Semiparametric Models,
Germany, August 2011.

Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2011).
On the null-problem in multiple hypotheses testing.
CEN 2011, Bridging Biostatistical Theory and Application,
2nd Conference of the Central European Network, Zürich, Switzerland, September 2011.

Landwehr, S., Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V. (2011).
Significance and dependence occurring in gene expression analyses.
CEN 2011, Bridging Biostatistical Theory and Application,
2nd Conference of the Central European Network, Zürich, Switzerland, September 2011.

Scheer, M. & Finner, H. (2011).
Expected number of false rejections of FDR- and FWER-controlling procedures under dependence.
CEN 2011, Bridging Biostatistical Theory and Application,
2nd Conference of the Central European Network, Zürich, Switzerland, September 2011.

Landwehr, S., Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V. (2011).
Goodness of fit, higher criticism and local levels.
7th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2011), Washington D.C., USA, Aug./Sep. 2011.

Scheer, M. & Finner, H. (2011).
Control of the Expected Number of False Rejections in Multiple Hypotheses Testing.
7th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2011), Washington D.C., USA, Aug./Sep. 2011.

Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2011).
On the null-problem in multiple hypotheses testing.
7th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2011), Washington D.C., USA, Aug./Sep. 2011.

Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2011).
Plug-in estimators for the number of true null hypotheses in multiple testing.
Workshop „Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures“,
United Kingdom, June 2011.

Scheer, M. & Finner, H. (2011).
ENFR or FDR- and FWER-controlling procedures under dependence.
Workshop „Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures“,

Lancaster, United Kingdom, June 2011.

Landwehr, S., Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V. (2011).
Goodness of fit, Higher Criticism and local levels.
Workshop „Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures“,
United Kingdom, June 2011.

Finner H. & Scheer M. (2010).
Simultaneous control of FDR and expected number of false rejections.
Invited Talk, The Eighth ICSA International Conference: Frontiers of Interdisciplinary and Methodological Statistical Research,
Guangzhou University, China, December 2010.

Dickhaus, T. & Finner, H. (2010).
How normal can the t-statistic possibly be?
Workshop on Validation in Statistics and Machine Learning,
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin,

Berlin, Germany, October 2010.

Finner, H. & Scheer, M. (2010).
Simultaneous control of FDR and expected number of false rejections.
73rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics,
Gothenburg, Sweden, August 2010.

Dickhaus, T. & Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V. (2010).
Implicitly adaptive FDR control based on the asymptotically optimal rejection curve.
Statistics Mathematics and Applications, La Villa Clythia, CAES du CNRS,

Fréjus–Var, France, August 2010.

Finner, H. & Scheer, M. (2010).
On the false discovery rate and control of expected number of the false rejections.
Biometrisches Kolloquium,

Wien, Austria, June 2010.

Finner, H. (2010).
FDR Controlling step-up-down tests related to the asymptotically optimal rejection curve.
Invited Talk (Keynote Lecture), Workshop "μTOSS 2010 Berlin - Multiple Comparisons from Theory to Practice",
Berlin Institute of Technology, Berlin, Germany, February 2010.

Dickhaus, T. & Finner, H. (2009).
Edgeworth expansions and rates of convergence for generalized self-normalized sums.

33rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications (SPA 2009),

Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, July 2009.

Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V. (2009).
Dependency and false discovery rate control.

Invited talk, 6th International Conference on Multiple Comparison
Procedures (MCP 2009), Tokyo, March 2009.

Finner, H. &
Gontscharuk, V. (2009).
Controlling the familywise error rate with plug-in estimator
for the proportion of true null hypotheses.

6th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2009), Tokyo, March 2009.

Finner, H., Gontscharuk, V. & 
Dickhaus, T.  (2009).
Strict FDR-control based on the asymptotically optimal rejection curve.
6th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2009), Tokyo, March 2009.

Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V. (2009).
Dependency and false discovery rate control.
Invited talk, 55.
Biometrisches Kolloquium, Hannover, Germany, March 2009.

Finner, H., Gontscharuk, V. & 
Dickhaus, T.  (2009).
Strict FDR-control based on the asymptotically optimal rejection curve.
55. Biometrisches Kolloquium, Hannover, Germany, March 2009.

Finner, H. &
Gontscharuk, V. (2008).
A modified Bonferroni procedure with plug-in estimator for the number of true hypotheses.
54. Biometrisches Kolloquium, München, Germany, March 2008.

Strassburger, K., Bretz, F. & Finner, H. (2008).
Ordered multiple comparisons with the best and their
applications in dose-response studies.

54. Biometrisches Kolloquium, München, Germany, March 2008.

Finner, H., Strassburger, K., Heid, I. M., Herder, C., Rathmann, W., Giani, G.,
Dickhaus, T., Lichtner, P. , Meitinger, T., Wichmann, H-E., Illig, T. & Gieger, C. (2008).
How to link call rate, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and quality of SNP-data -
results from the KORA 500K project.

54. Biometrisches Kolloquium, München, Germany, March 2008.

Dickhaus, T.
 & Finner, H. (2008).
Density crossing points of self-normalized sums and normal via Edgeworth expansions.
Aachener Stochastik-Tage - GOCPS 2008, RWTH Aachen, Germany, March 2008

Finner, H. (2008).
On the false discovery rate and an asymptotically optimal rejection curve.
Invited talk, International Conference on Statistical Paradigms - Recent Advances and Reconciliations,

ICSPRAR-2008, Kolkata, India, January 2008.

Finner, H. (2007).
Dependency, false discovery rate and the 1982 paper of Schweder and Spjøtvoll.

Invited talk, 25th anniversary of the 1982 paper of Schweder and Spjøtvoll,

Oslo, Norway, November 2007.

Finner, H. (2007).
Testing for equivalence in k sample models.
Invited talk, "The 3rd Erich L. Lehmann Symposium",
Houston, Texas, USA, May 2007.

Finner, H., Strassburger, K., Heid, I. M., Herder, C., Rathmann, W., Giani, G.,
Dickhaus, T., Lichtner, P. , Meitinger, T., Wichmann, H-E., Illig, T. & Gieger, C. (2007).

How to link call rate, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and quality of SNP-data -
results from the KORA 500K project.

Kongress ’Medizin und Gesellschaft 2007’, 52. Jahrestagung der GMDS,
Germany, September 2007.

Finner, H., Dickhaus, T. Roters, M. (2007).
Asymptotic improvements of the Benjamini-Hochberg method for FDR control
based on an asymptotically optimal rejection curve.

5th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2007),
Vienna, Austria, July 2007.

Finner, H., Dickhaus, T. & Roters, M. (2007).
FDR-control: Assumptions, a unifying proof, least favorables configurations and FDR-bounds.
5th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2007),
Vienna, Austria, July 2007.

 Finner, H., Dickhaus, T. & Roters. M. (2007).
Density Crossing Points.
Tagung "Statistik unter einem Dach - 2007" der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat), Bielefeld, Germany, March 2007.

Finner, H., Dickhaus, T. & Roters. M. (2007).
Asymptotische Kontrolle der False Discovery Rate unter Abhängigkeit.
Tagung "Statistik unter einem Dach - 2007" der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat), Bielefeld,
Germany, March 2007.

Finner, H. (2006). 
Dependency and false discovery rate: Asymptotics.

Invited talk, SAMSI, Research Triangle Park, Summer Program on Multiplicity and Reproducibility in Scientific Studies, Working Group ’Multiple Testing’,
North Carolina, USA, July 2006.

Finner, H. (2005).
Dependency and false discovery rate: Asymptotics.
4rd International Conference on Multiple Comparisons (MCP 2005),
Shanghai, China, August 2005.

Finner, H. (2005).
On the false discovery rate and an asymptotically optimal rejection curve.
51. Biometrisches Kolloquium, Halle, Germany, March 2005.

Finner, H. (2004).
On the false discovery rate and an asymptotically optimal rejection curve.
Statistisches Kolloquium, Universität Düsseldorf,
Düsseldorf, Germany, December 2004.

Finner, H. (2004).
On the false discovery rate and an asymptotically optimal rejection curve.
AG Multiple Methoden der Biometri
schen Gesellschaft,
Germany, October 2004.

Finner, H. (2004).
Pre-ordered hypotheses and false discovery rate.
Invited talk, 6th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability & 67th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics,
Barcelona, Spain, July 2004.

Finner, H. (2004).
Pre-ordered hypotheses and false discovery rate.
Karlsruher Stochastik Tage, Karlsruhe, Germany, March 2004.

Finner, H. (2004).
Pre-ordered hypotheses and false discovery rate.
50. Biometrisches Kolloquium, Heidelberg, Germany, March 2004.

Finner, H. (2003).
On the false discovery rate.

Invited talk, Seventh Purdue International Symposium on Statistics,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, June 2003.

Finner, H.
& Strassburger, K. (2003).
Das Partitionsprinzip: Eine Methode zur Verbesserung der Güte multipler Entscheidungsverfahren.
49. Biometrisches Kolloquium, Wuppertal,
Germany, March 2003.

Finner, H. (2003).
Bemerkungen zur ''False Discovery Rate''.
Vortrag an der TU Darmstadt, March 2003.

Finner, H. (2002).
Bemerkungen zur ''False Discovery Rate''.
Vortrag an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany, November 2002

Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2002).
On delta equivalence with the best in k-sample models.
AG Multiple Methoden der Biometrischen Gesellschaft,
Düsseldorf, Germany, October 2002.

Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2002).
The partitioning principle: A powerful tool in multiple decision theory.
Invited Talk, 3rd International Conference on Multiple Comparisons (MCP 2002).
Bethesda, Maryland, USA, August 2002.

Finner, H. (2002).
Das Partitionsprinzip: Eine Methode zur Verbesserung der Güte multipler Entscheidungsverfahren.
XXIth International Biometric Conference, Freiburg, Germany, July 2002.

Finner, H. (2002).
Bemerkungen zur 'False Discovery Rate'.
Vortrag am Institut für Statistik der LMU München,
München, Germany, June 2002.

Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2002).
The partitioning principle: A powerful tool in multiple decision theory.
Magdeburger Stochastik Tage, Magdeburg, Germany, March 2002.

Strassburger, K., Finner, H. & Giani, G. (2001).
Step-up Selektionsprozeduren zur Identifizierung von Behandlungen die äquivalent zur besten sind.
46. Jahrestagung der GMDS, Köln, Germany, September 2001.

Finner, H. (2001).
The partitioning principle: A powerful tool in multiple decision theory.
Invited talk, NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences:
New Horizons in Multiple Comparison Procedures, Philadelphia, USA, August 2001.

Finner, H. (2001).
Das Partitionsprinzip: Eine Methode zur Verbesserung der Güte multipler Entscheidungsverfahren.
Kolloquiumsvortrag am Institut für Statistik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, May 2001.

Finner, H. (2000).
Stepwise multiple test procedures and control of directional errors.
Invited talk, Joint Statistical Meeting of the American Statistical Association, 
the International Biometric Society (ENAR and WNAR), the Institute of Mathematical 
Statistics, and the Statistical Society of Canada, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, August 2000.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (2000).
Multiple hypotheses testing and expected type I errors.
2nd International Conference on Multiple Comparisons (MCP 2000),
Berlin, Germany, June 2000.

Giani, G., Strassburger, K. & Finner, H. (2000).
SEPARATE -- A program package for multiple comparisons.
2nd International Conference on Multiple Comparisons (MCP 2000),
Berlin, Germany, June 2000.

Strassburger, K., Giani, G. & Finner, H. (2000).
Stepwise partitioning procedures.
2nd International Conference on Multiple Comparisons (MCP 2000),
Berlin, Germany, June 2000.

Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2000).
Struktureigenschaften von UMPU-Tests für Vierfeldertafeln und ihre Implikationen.
46. Biometrisches Kolloquium, Rostock,
Germany, March 2000.

Finner, H. (2000).
Multiple Tests und Fehler III. Art.
Kolloquiumsvortrag am Mathematischen Institut der Universität zu Köln,
Köln, Germany, January 2000.

Finner, H. (1999).
Tests für 2x2-Tafeln: Einige Resultate und viele Probleme.
Kolloquiumsvortrag am Institut für Medizinische Statistik der Universität Wien,
Wien, Austria, December 1999.

Finner, H. (1999).
Sichprobenumfangsbestimmungen für Mehrentscheidungsverfahren:
Probleme, Methoden und ein Softwarepaket.
Biometrisches Kolloquium, Wien, Austria, November 1999.

Finner, H. (1999).
Multiple Tests: Step-up oder step-down?
5. Herbstkolloquium des Graduiertenkollegs Angewandte Statistik des Fachbereichs Statistik  der Universität Dortmund,
Bommerholz, Germany, November 1999.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1999).
Asymptotic sharpness of product-type inequalities for maxima of random variables.
AG Multiple Methoden der Biometrischen Gesellschaft, Mainz, Germany, October 1999.

Finner, H. (1999).
Two-sided tests and one-sided confidence bounds.
ISOC-Kolloquium, Wien,
Austria, April 1999.

Finner, H. (1998).
Stepwise multiple test procedures and control of directional errors.
AG Multiple Methoden der Biometrischen Gesellschaft, Köln, Germany, October 1998.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1998).
Asymptotic sharpness of product-type inequalities for maxima of random variables.
6. Purdue Symposium on Statistical Decision Theory and Related Topics,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, June 1998.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1998).
Asymptotisches Verhalten von kritischen Werten in multiplen Testprozeduren. 
Münchener Stochastik Tage, München, Germany, March 1998. 

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1998). 
Asymptotic sharpness of product-type inequalities for maxima of random variables. 
Münchener Stochastik Tage, München,
Germany, March 1998. 

Finner, H. (1998). 
Controlling the false discovery rate: A doubtful concept in multiple comparisons.
44. Biometrisches Kolloquium, Mainz, Germany, March 1998.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1997).
Asymptotisches Verhalten von kritischen Werten in multiplen Testprozeduren.
AG Multiple Methoden der Biometrischen Gesellschaft,
Hannover, Germany, October 1997.

Finner, H. (1997).
Some notes on the false discovery rate.
AG Multiple Methoden der Biometrischen Gesellschaft,
Hannover, Germany, October 1997.

Finner, H. (1997).
Some notes on the false discovery rate.
ISI-Satellite Meeting: Mathematical Statistics and its
Applications to Biosciences, Rostock, September 1997.

Finner, H. (1997). 
Stepwise multiple test procedures and control of directional errors.
43. Biometrisches Kolloquium, München, Germany, March 1997.

Finner, H. (1996).
Multiple Tests und Selektionsprozeduren.
Kolloquiumsvortrag am Institut für mathematische Stochastik, 
Universität Hamburg, Germany, December 1996.

Finner, H. (1996).
Closed multiple test procedures and control of directional errors.
DMV-Tagung, Jena,
Germany, September 1996.

Finner, H. (1996). 
Closed multiple test procedures and control of directional errors.
4th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, Vienna, Austria, August 1996.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1996).
Asymptotic behaviour of the joint distribution of order statistics for exchangeable 
random variables with application in many-one comparisons.
International Conference on Multiple Comparisons (MCP 1996),
Tel Aviv, Israel, June 1996.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1996). 
Asymptotic behaviour of the joint distribution of order statistics for exchangeable 
random variables with application in many-one comparisons.
Freiberger Stochastik Tage, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, March 1996.

Finner, H. & Giani, G. (1996). 
Dualität von multiplen Tests und Selektionsverfahren.
42. Biometrisches Kolloquium, Magdeburg, Germany, March 1996.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1996). 
Über das asymptotische Verhalten der gemeinsamen Verteilungsfunktion von
Orderstatistiken und den Vergleich multipler Tests.
Statistisches Kolloquium, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf,
Düsseldorf, Germany, January 1996.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1995). 
Über das Grenzverhalten der gemeinsamen Verteilungsfunktion von Orderstatistiken.
NRW Kolloquium über Mathematische Statistik, Dortmund, Germany, October 1995.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1995). 
Über das Verhalten von Erwartungswerten und Gütefunktionen in einparametrigen Exponentialfamilien.
NRW Kolloquium über Mathematische Statistik, Dortmund, Germany, October 1995.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1995). 
Log-Konkavität und Ungleichungen für Chi-Quadrat-, F- und Beta-Verteilungen
mit Anwendungen beim Vergleich von k Mittelwerten.
DMV-Tagung, Ulm, Germany, September 1995.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1995). 
Log-concavity and inequalities for Chi-square, F and Beta distributions with 
applications in multiple comparisons.
Multiple Decision Theory and Related Topics: A Conference in Honor of Shanti S. Gupta,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, June 1995.

Finner, H. (1995). 
Multiple Tests und Konfidenzbereiche.
Biometrisches Kolloquium Hannover, Hannover, Germany, January 1995.

Finner, H. (1994).
Bemerkungen zum Likelihood-Prinzip.
Habilitationskolloquium am FB IV der Universität Trier,
Trier, Germany, October 1994.

Finner, H. & Giani, G. (1994).
Ungünstigste Parameterkonfigurationen für ein Teilmengenselektionsverfahren.
DMV-Tagung, Duisburg, Germany, September 1994.

Finner, H. (1994).
Two-sided t-tests and one-sided confidence bounds.
Biometrisches Kolloquium, Münster, Germany, March 1994.

Finner, H. (1993).
Zweiseitige Tests und einseitige Konfidenzschranken.
Marburger Stochastik-Tage, Marburg, Germany, September 1993.

Finner, H. & Giani, G. (1993). 
LFC-results with reference to closed subset selection.
3rd Schwerin Conference on Mathematical Statistics,
Bad Doberan, Germany, September 1993.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1993). 
On the behaviour of expectations in one-parameter exponential families.
EYSM-8, Palangua, Litauen, September 1993.

Finner, H. (1992). 
Eine Verallgemeinerung der Hölder-Ungleichung und einige Wahrscheinlichkeitsungleichungen.
DMV-Tagung, Berlin, Germany, September 1992.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1992). 
Step-up multiple test procedures.
5. Purdue Symposium on Statistical Decision Theory and Related Topics, 
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, June 1992.

Finner, H. & Giani, G. (1992). 
Closed subset selection procedures for selecting good populations.
5. Purdue Symposium on Statistical Decision Theory and Related Topics,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, June 1992.

Giani, G. & Finner, H. (1992).
Sequentiell verwerfende Teilmengenselektionsverfahren zur Ermittlung aller guten Behandlungen.
Biometrisches Kolloquium, Giessen, Germany, March 1992.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1992). 
On a monotonicity problem in step-up multiple test procedures.
Biometrisches Kolloquium, Giessen, Germany, March 1992.

Finner, H. (1992).
Step-up multiple Testprozeduren.
Statistik-Kolloquium der Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf,
Düsseldorf, Germany, January 1992.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1991). 
LFC-results for tests in k-variate location models.
16th Symposium on Operations Research, Universtät Trier,
Germany, September 1991.

Finner, H. (1991).
On a generalization of Hölder's inequality and its application in multiple comparisons.
Dunnett Symposium, Hamilton, Canada, June 1991.

Finner, H. & Giani, G. (1991).
Closed subset selection procedures for selecting good populations.
Statistical Seminar, Northwestern University,
Evanston, USA, May 1991.

Finner, H. & Giani, G. (1991). 
Closed subset selection procedures for selecting good populations.
Statistical Seminar, Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, USA, May 1991.

Finner, H. (1990).
Konstruktion oberer und unterer Konfidenzschranken mit Hilfe multipler Tests.
Biometrisches Kolloquium, Marburg, Germany, March 1990.

Giani, G. & Finner, H. (1989).
Stichprobenkalkulationen für mehrarmige Bioverfügbarkeitsstudien.
GMDS-Tagung, Aachen, Germany, September 1989.

Finner, H., Kunert, J. & Sonnemann, E. (1988).
Über die Berechnung des Wirkungsgrades von Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf Raubmilben im Weinbau.
Tagung des Arbeitskreises 'Biometrie und Versuchsmethodik' der
Deutschen Phytomedizinischen Gesellschaft.
Fulda, Germany, March 1988.

Sonnemann, E. & Finner, H. (1989).
Complete class theorems for testing multiple hypotheses.
Biometrisches Kolloquium, Celle, Germany, March 1989.

Sonnemann, E. & Finner, H. (1988).
Vollständigkeitssätze für multiple Testprobleme.
Eifelsymposium 'Multiple Hypothesenprüfungen', Gerolstein, Germany, November 1987.

Finner, H. (1987).
Über die Beziehungen zwischen einigen neuen Wahrscheinlichkeitsungleichungen 
und multiplen Spannweitentests.
Eifelsymposium 'Multiple Hypothesenprüfungen', Gerolstein, Germany, November 1987.

Finner, H. (1987).
Multiple Tests und Fehler III. Art.
Eifelsymposium 'Multiple Hypothesenprüfungen', Gerolstein, Germany, November 1987.

Finner, H. (1986).
Der abgeschlossene Newman-Keuls Test.
Biometrisches Kolloquium, Ulm, Germany, March 1986.