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Helmut Finner

Publications (sorted by Journal):

The Annals of Statistics:

Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V. (2018).
Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov type tests revisited: Old and new tests

in terms of local levels.

The Annals of Statistics 46(6A), 3014-3037. (pdf)




Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V. (2018).
Supplement A to “Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov type tests
revisited: Old and new tests in terms of local levels”: 

  Proofs and computation of global levels. (pdf)
  Available at https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/1536307241#supplemental.


Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V. (2018).

Supplement B to “Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov type tests revisited: Old and new tests in terms of local levels”:

Animated graphics of local levels. (pdf)
Available at https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/1536307241#supplemental.

Finner, H., Dickhaus, T. & Roters, M. (2009).
On the false discovery rate and an asymptotically optimal rejection curve.
The Annals of Statistics 37(2), 596–618. (pdf)

Finner, H., Dickhaus, T. & Roters, M. (2007).
Dependency and false discovery rate: Asymptotics.
The Annals of Statistics 35(4), 1432-1455. (pdf)

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (2002).
Multiple hypotheses testing and expected type I errors.
The Annals of Statistics 30(1), 220-238.

Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2002). 
The partitioning principle: A powerful tool in multiple decision theory. 
The Annals of Statistics 30(4), 1194 -1213.

Finner, H. (1999). 
Stepwise multiple test procedures and control of directional errors. 
The Annals of Statistics 27(1), 274-289.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1998). 
Asymptotic comparison of step-down and step-up multiple test procedures based on
exchangeable test statistics. 
The Annals of Statistics 26(2), 505-524.

Finner, H. (1994).
Two-sided tests and one-sided confidence bounds. 
The Annals of Statistics 22(3), 1502-1516.

The Annals of Probability:

Finner, H. (1992). 
A generalization of Hölder's inequality and some probability inequalities. 
The Annals of Probability 20(4), 1893-1901.



Electronic Journal of Statistics:


Lynch, G., Guo W., Sarkar, S.K. & Finner, H. (2017).
The control of the false discovery rate in fixed sequence multiple testing.
Electronic Journal of Statistics 11(2), 4649–4673.

Journal of the American Statistical Association:

Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2006).
On delta-equivalence with the best in k-sample models.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 101
(474), 737-746.

Finner, H. (1993). 
On a monotonicity problem in step down multiple test procedures.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 88
(423), 920-923.

Finner, H. (1990). 
Some new inequalities for the range distribution; with application to the determination of optimum significance levels of multiple range tests. 
Journal of the American Statistical Association 85
(409), 191-194.

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B:

Finner, H. & Gontscharuk, V. (2009).
Controlling the familywise error rate with plug-in estimator for the proportion of true null hypotheses.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B
71(5), 1031–1048.



Gontscharuk, V., Landwehr, S. & Finner, H. (2016).
Goodness of fit tests in terms of local levels with special emphasis on higher criticism tests.

Bernoulli 22(3), 1331–1363.


Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference:

Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2017).
On the asymptotics of a normal beta-transformed empirical process.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 193, 103-108.


Sarkar S.K., Guo W. & Finner H. (2012).
On adaptive procedures controlling the familywise error rate.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 142(1), 65-78.

Finner, H., Giani, G. & Strassburger, K. (2006).
Partitioning principle and selection of good populations.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 136(7), 2053-2069.

Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2002). 
Structural properties of UMPU-tests for 2x2-tables and some applications.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 104(1), 103-120.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (2001).
Asymptotic sharpness of product-type inequalities for maxima of random variables with applications in multiple comparisons.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 98(1-2), 39-56.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1999). 
Asymptotic comparison of the critical values of step-down and step-up multiple comparison procedures. 
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 79(1), 11-30.

Finner, H. & Giani, G. (1996). 
Duality between multiple testing and selecting. 
Invited paper for  `40 Years of Statistical Selection Theory' (Eds.: Miescke, K. J. and  Rasch, D.), in:
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 54(2), 201-227.

Finner, H. & Giani, G. (1994). 
Closed subset selection procedures for selecting good populations. 
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 38(2), 179-200.

Giani, G. & Finner, H. (1991). 
Some general results on least favourable parameter configurations with special reference to equivalence testing and the range statistic. 
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 28(1), 33-47.

Statistica Sinica:

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1997). 
Log-concavity and inequalities for Chi-square, F and Beta distributions  with applications in multiple comparisons. 
Statistica Sinica 7(3), 771-787.

The Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics:

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1994). 
On the limit behaviour of the joint distribution function of order statistics. 
The Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 46(2), 343-349.

Scandinavian Journal of Statistics:

Finner, H., Gontscharuk, V. & Dickhaus, T. (2012).
False discovery rate control of step-up-down tests with special emphasis on the asymptotically optimal rejections curve.
Scandinavian Journal of  Statistics 39(2), 382-397.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (2000). 
On the critical value behaviour of multiple decision procedures. 
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 27(3), 563-573.

Journal of Multivariate Analysis:

Finner, H., & Roters, M. (2024).
On positive association of absolute-valued and squared multivariate Gaussians beyond MTP2.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 202, Article Id 105295.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (2001).
On a matrix representation lemma useful in determining maximal invariance groups.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 76(1), 153-157.

The American Statistician

Finner, H., Roters, M. & , Dickhaus, T. (2007).
Characterizing density crossing points.
The American Statistician 61(1), 28 - 33.
Extended online version available. (pdf)

Statistics and Probability Letters:

Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2013).
Asymptotic FDR control under weak dependence: A counterexample.
Statistics and Probability Letters 83(8), 1888–1893.

Finner, H. & Dickhaus, T. (2010).
Edgeworth expansions and rates of convergence for normalized sums: Chung's 1946 method revisited.
Statistics and Probability Letters 80(23-24), 1875-1880.

Statistics in Medicine:

Finner, H.,  Strassburger, K. Heid, I. M., Herder, C., Rathmann, W., Giani, G., Dickhaus, T., Lichtner, P., Meitinger, T., Wichmann, H.-E., Illig, T. & Gieger, C. (2010).
How to link call rate and p-values for Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium as measures of genome-wide SNP data quality.
Statistics in Medicine 29(22), 2347–2358.


Strassburger, K., Bretz, F. & Finner, H. (2007).
Ordered multiple comparisons with the best and their applications in dose-response studies.
Biometrics 63(4), 1143-1151.
Supplementary Web Material (refereed and copyrighted).

Biometrical Journal:

          Finner, H. & Roters, M. (2022).

          One-two dependence and probability inequalities between one-and two-sided union-intersection tests. 
Biometrical Journal 64(2), 361–376.

Gontscharuk, V., Landwehr, S. & Finner, H. (2014)
The intermediates take it all: Asymptotics of higher criticism statistics and a powerful alternative based on equal local levels.
Biometrical Journal 57(1), 159-180.

Finner, H. & Straßburger, K. (2008).
Letter to the Editor, Rejoinder to Berger, V. W. (2008, Biometrical Journal 50(6), 1093–1095).
Biometrical Journal 50(6),1096-1097.

Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2007).
A note on p-values for two-sided tests.
Biometrical Journal 49(6), 941-943.

Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2007).
Step-up related simultaneous confidence intervals for MCC and MCB.
Biometrical Journal 49(1), 40-51.

Finner, H. & Giani, G. (2001).
Least favorable parameter configurations for a step-down subset selection procedure.
Biometrical Journal 43(5), 543-552.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (2001). 
On the false discovery rate and expected type I errors.
Biometrical Journal 43(8), 985-1005.

Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2001). 
UMP(U)-tests for a binomial parameter: A paradox.
Biometrical Journal 43(6), 667-675.


Finner, H. & Strassburger, K. (2001). 
Increasing sample sizes do not necessarily increase the power of UMPU-tests
for  2x2-tables.
Metrika 54(1), 77-91.

          Statistical Papers:

Finner, H., Roters, M., & Strassburger, K. (2017).
On the Simes test under dependence.
Statistical Papers 58(3), 775-789.

Statistics & Decisions: (Since 2012: Statistics & Risk Modelling)

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1993). 
Power considerations and LFC-results with respect to
Φt-restrictions in k-variate location models. 
Statistics & Decisions 11(2), 151-166.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1993). 
On the behaviour of expectations and power functions in one-parameter exponential families. 
Statistics & Decisions 11, 237-249.

Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods:

Gontscharuk, V. & Finner, H. (2016).
Asymptotics of goodness-of-fit tests based on minimum p-value statistics.
Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods 46(5), 2332-2342.

Finner, H., Dickhaus, T. & Roters, M. (2008)
Asymptotic tail properties of Student’s t-distribution.
Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods 37(2), 175-179.

Finner, H. & Roters, M. (1993). 
Distribution functions and log-concavity. 
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 22(8), 2381-2396.

Finner, H. (1990). 
On the modified S-method and directional errors. 
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 19(1), 41-53.

Insurance: Mathematics and Economics:

Finner,H., Kern, P. & Scheer, M. (2015).
On some compound distributions with Borel summands.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 62, 234–244.

Hormone and Metabolic Research:

Herder, C., Rathmann, W., Straßburger, K., Finner, H., Grallert, H., Huth,C., Meisinger, C., Gieger, C.,
Martin, S., Giani,G., Scherbaum, W. A., Wichmann, H.-E., Illig, T. (2008).
Variants of the PPARG, IGF2BP2, CDKAL1, HHEX, and TCF7L2 genes confer risk of
type 2 diabetes independently of BMI in the german KORA studies.
Hormone and Metabolic Research 40, 722-726. DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1078730.

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

Knebel, B., Strassburger, K., Szendroedi, J., Kotzka J., Scheer, M., Nowotny, B., Müssig, K., Lehr, S., Pacini, G.,

Finner, H., Klüppelholz, B., Giani, G., Al-Hasani, H. & Michael Roden, M. for the German Diabetes Study Group (2016).
Specific metabolic profiles and their relationship to insulin resistance in recent-onset type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 101(5), 2130–2140.


Finner, H., Tang, S. Y., Cui, X., & Hsu, J. C. (2021).
Partitioning for confidence sets, confident directions, and decision paths.
Cui, X., Dickhaus,T., Ding, Y., Hsu, J. C. (Eds.). Handbook of Multiple Comparisons, Chapman & Hall/CRC, pp. 57-90.

Dickhaus, T. & Finner, H. (2016). 
Asymptotic density crossing points of self-normalized sums and normal.
In: Forging Connections between Computational Mathematics and Computational Geometry, Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Computational Geometry (Eds.: Chen, K., Ravindran, A.).
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 124, 199-210.

Sonnemann, E. (2008). General Solutions to Multiple Testing Problems.
Biometrical Journal 50(5), 641-656.
Translation with minor corrections of the original article
Sonnemann, E. (1982).
Allgemeine Lösungen multipler Testprobleme.
EDV in Medizin und Biologie 13(4), 120–128
”. Translated by Helmut Finner.

Finner, H. (2008).
Preface to the Translation of Eckart Sonnemann's 1982 Paper on General Solutions to Multiple Testing Problems.
Biometrical Journal, 50(5), 640.

Finner, H. (2008).
Eulogy to Eckart Sonnemann (1940-2007).
Biometrical Journal 50(5), 638-639. 

Finner, H., Roters, M. & Dickhaus, T. (2006).
Characterizing Density Crossing Points.
Extended online version of
"Finner, H., Roters, M. & Dickhaus, T. (2007). Characterizing density crossing points. The American Statistician 61, 28 - 33."
Available at www.helmut-finner.de/ Density Crossing Points.pdf.

Sarkar, S. K., Sen, P. & Finner, H. (2004).
Improving two results in multiple testing.
In: Recent Developments in Multiple Comparisons Procedures. (Eds.: Benjamini, Y., Bretz, F., Sarkar, S.).
IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series
47, 89-99.

Finner, H., Kunert, J. & Sonnemann, E. (1989). 
Über die Berechnung des Wirkungsgrades von Pflanzenschutzmitteln
(On the calculation of the effectiveness of an insecticide). 
Nachrichtenblatt Deutscher Pflanzenschutzdienst 41(8/9), 145-149.

Finner, H. (1988). 
Abgeschlossene multiple Spannweitentests. 
Bauer, P. et al. (Eds.): Multiple Hypothesenprüfung. Springer, Berlin, 10-32.

Finner, H. (1988). 
Multiple Tests und Fehler III. Art. 
Bauer, P. et al. (Eds.): Multiple Hypothesenprüfung. Springer, Berlin, 144-153.

Sonnemann, E. & Finner, H. (1988). 
Vollständigkeitssätze für multiple Testprobleme. 
Bauer, P. et al. (Eds.): Multiple Hypothesenprüfung. Springer, Berlin, 121-135.